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Basic 8x2 Character LCD - Black on Green 5V

Basic 8x2 Character LCD - Black on Green 5V

  • 995

This is a basic 8 character by 2 line display with black text on green background. The screen utilizes the extremely common HD44780 parallel interface chipset. Interface code is freely available. You will need ~11 general I/O pins to interface to this LCD screen. Includes LED backlight.

You can use the example sketch in the Arduino IDE to get up and running in no time.

Note: This will work with our serial backpack, but it will not connect directly due to the different pin layout.

Dimensions: 1.574" x 1.411"


Brand: Sparkfun
Brand Part Number: LCD-11122
Our Part Number: h5733


Trimpot 10K with Knob
SparkFun Serial Graphic LCD 128x64
SHARP Memory Display Breakout - Silver Monochrome (1.3", 96x96)
Basic 8x2 Character LCD - Black on Green 3.3V
Header - 2x8 (Male, 0.1")

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